Welcome to the Homepage of agroplan

The consultancy office agroplan works at the border between agriculture and nature protection. Main tasks of its work are:

agricultural advisory
regional development
project consultancy
monitoring & evaluation

Main customers were s far State- and Federal Ministries of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, Foundations, Regional and Local Governments and Authorities, the Federal Institute for Agricultural Research (FAL), the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), private companies and non-governmental organisations. On the one side the work is by demand on the other side projects are developed and submitted for funding. agroplan works as a partner within a network of other offices in Germany and Europe, thus a wide range of expertise and manpower covers a thematic and geographic open area. Since the office is located within the campus of the Advanced Technical College of Braunschweig-Wolfenbuettel (since 2000) there is also a good collaboration between the college and agroplan.
A basic principle in all plans and projects is the close collaboration with the people concerned and the participation of the target group. After an analysis of the situation (SWOT-analysis) the concept and the next steps are planned in a participatory process. Monitoring an evaluation of the project and its implementation ensures a high quality level of management practice.

  Sustainability by participation -
our approach for planning

You need...

renewing and planning for villages

initiating a process of regional development based on the ownership of the local people

target oriented planning in rural communities

raising the strength and potential of rural communities

evaluating the impacts of projects, programs or other interventions

developing possibilities to support and to adapt the agriculture and to create responsible consumer-producer relationships

to support organic farming and to find appropriate solutions for bio control

to protect the natural resources like the ground water regime, the soil and surface water.

  We have experience which fits to your need:

land-use planning and concepts for regional development

advisory of self-help projects to create new jobs in rural areas

developing of training modules for environmental education, agriculture and regional development

Impact-monitoring and surveying of acceptance of input reduction and support schemes

  agroplan Büro für Umwelt- und Agrarplanung - Reichsstr. 1 - 38300 Wolfenbüttel
Tel.: 05331.902771 - Fax: 05331.902773 - e-mail: info@agroplan.de